My Chrome browser just switched from version 28 to version 29. Once it switched over, my css3 code stopped working in the new version and I was wondering if anyone knew how to resolve the issue, without having to set my browser back to version 28?
UPDATE Chrome 30 transitioning from Chrome 29 to Chrome 30 killed CSS Variables as well. The Enable experimental WebKit features flag is no longer an option.
I have been using experimental WebKit features, specifically CSS Variables. The following functionality is what I specifically want working again:
:root {
-webkit-var-Darkest: #3d0305;
-webkit-var-Lightest: #EDD08C;
-webkit-var-Light: #a98b46;
-webkit-var-Cool: #38fcce;
-webkit-var-Dark: #79161d;
color: -webkit-var(Darkest);
border-color: -webkit-var(Darkest);
background-color: -webkit-var(Light);
Previously all I had to do to use CSS Variables was to enable the flag (see following image)