locale is in my redux app state. Changing its value through react-devtools (revert option), changes paragraph inner value but not the select box value. If it renders again shouldn't it take the same value as inside the p tag?
import React, {Component, PropTypes} from 'react'
import {defineMessages, injectIntl, intlShape} from 'react-intl'
const messages = defineMessages({
spanish: {
id: 'languageSelector.spanish',
description: 'Select language',
defaultMessage: 'Spanish'
english: {
id: 'languageSelector.english',
description: 'Select language',
defaultMessage: 'English'
french: {
id: 'languageSelector.french',
description: 'Select language',
defaultMessage: 'French'
class LanguageSelector extends Component {
render () {
const {formatMessage, locale} = this.props.intl
return (
<select defaultValue={locale} onChange={(e) => this.handleChange(e)}>
<option id='es' value='es'>{formatMessage(messages.spanish)}</option>
<option id='fr' value='fr'>{formatMessage(messages.french)}</option>
<option id='en' value='en'>{formatMessage(messages.english)}</option>
handleChange (e) {
LanguageSelector.propTypes = {
intl: intlShape.isRequired,
onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired
export default injectIntl(LanguageSelector)