IndexReader.terms() accepts an optional Field() object.
Field objects are composed of two arguments, the Field Name, and Value which lucene calls the "Term Field" and the "Term Text".
By providing a Field argument with an empty value for 'term text' we can start our term iteration at the term we are concerned with.
lindex = SimpleFSDirectory(File(indexdir))
ireader =, True)
# Query the lucene index for the terms starting at a term named "field_name"
terms = ireader.terms(Term("field_name", "")) #Start at the field "field_name"
facets = {'other': 0}
if terms.term().field() != "field_name": #We've got every value
print "Field Name:", terms.term().field()
print "Field Value:", terms.term().text()
print "Matching Docs:", int(ireader.docFreq(term))
Hopefully others searching for how to perform faceting in PyLucene will see come across this post. The key is indexing terms as-is. Just for completeness this is how field values should be indexed.
dir = SimpleFSDirectory(File(indexdir))
analyzer = StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_30)
writer = IndexWriter(dir, analyzer, True, IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength(512))
print "Currently there are %d documents in the index..." % writer.numDocs()
print "Adding %s Documents to Index..." % docs.count()
for val in terms:
doc = Document()
#Store the field, as-is, with term-vectors.
doc.add(Field("field_name", val, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED, Field.TermVector.YES))