I am writing a lock-free doubly linked list based on these papers:
"Efficient and Reliable Lock-Free Memory Reclamation Based on Reference Counting" Anders Gidenstam,Member, IEEE,Marina Papatriantafilou, H˚ akan Sundell and Philippas Tsigas
"Lock-free deques and doubly linked lists" Håkan Sundell, Philippas Tsigas
For this question we can put aside first paper.
In this paper, they use a smart way for storing a deletion flag and a pointer in a word. (More info here)
Pseudo code for this section in the paper:
union Link
: word
(p,d): {pointer to Node, boolean}
structure Node
value: pointer to word
prev: union Link
next: union Link
And my code for above pseudo code:
template< typename NodeT >
struct LockFreeLink
typedef NodeT NodeType;
std::atomic< NodeT* > mPointer;
std::atomic_init(&mPointer, nullptr);
~bcLockFreeLink() {}
inline NodeType* getNode() const throw()
return std::atomic_load(&mPointer, std::memory_order_relaxed);
inline std::atomic< NodeT* >* getAtomicNode() const throw()
return &mPointer;
struct Node : public LockFreeNode
struct Link : protected LockFreeLink< Node >
static const int dMask = 1;
static const int ptrMask = ~dMask;
Link() { } throw()
Link(const Node* pPointer, bcBOOL pDel = bcFALSE) throw()
std::atomic_init(&mPointer, (reinterpret_cast<int>(pPointer) | (int)pDel));
Node* pointer() const throw()
return reinterpret_cast<Node*>(
std::atomic_load(&data, std::memory_order_relaxed) & ptrMask);
bool del() const throw()
return std::atomic_load(&data, std::memory_order_relaxed) & dMask;
bool compareAndSwap(const Link& pExpected, const Link& pNew) throw()
Node* lExpected = std::atomic_load(&pExpected.mPointer, std::memory_order_relaxed);
Node* lNew = std::atomic_load(&pNew.mPointer, std::memory_order_relaxed);
return std::atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit(
bool operator==(const Link& pOther) throw()
return std::atomic_load(data, std::memory_order_relaxed) ==
std::atomic_load(pOther.data, std::memory_order_relaxed);
bool operator!=(const Link& pOther) throw()
return !operator==(pOther);
Link mPrev;
Link mNext;
Type mData;
Node() {};
Node(const Type& pValue) : mData(pValue) {};
In this paper there is this function for set deletion mark of link to true:
procedure SetMark(link: pointer to pointer to Node)
while true do
node = *link;
if node.d = true or CAS(link, node, (node.p, true)) then break;
And my code for this function:
void _setMark(Link* pLink)
while (bcTRUE)
Link lOld = *pLink;
if(pLink->del() || pLink->compareAndSwap(lOld, Link(pLink->pointer(), bcTRUE)))
But my problem is in compareAndSwap
function where i must compare and swap three atomic variable. Information about problem is here
(Actually new
variable in compare and swap function isn't important because it is thread local)
Now my question: how can i write compareAndSwap function to compare and swap three atomic varialbe or where am i making mistake?
(Excuse me for long question)
similar problem is in memory manager paper:
function CompareAndSwapRef(link:pointer to pointer toNode,
old:pointer toNode, new:pointer toNode):boolean
if CAS(link,old,new) then
if new=NULL then
if old=NULLthen FAA(&old.mmref,-1);
return true;
return false;
here again i must compare and swap three atomic variable.
(Note that my arguments are type of Link
and i must compare and swap mPointer
of Link