I am trying to implement the "parent-to-child" navigational transition specifically when you click a Recyclerview entry and the details appear in a fullscreen fragment. Something like this:
How do I go about doing this with so many animation APIs available? (TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition, SharedTransition, setExitTransition, etc)
What I have tried
InboxRecyclerView - This matches my requirements EXCEPT that it seems to only work when the detail view is in the same layout as the Recyclerview. Because I am navigating between fragments using the fragment backstack, I need it to transition between layouts that might not be available prior to attachment.
This post - Answers only cover activity-to-activity transitions. I am looking for fragment-to-fragment.
Custom Transition - I tried extending the Transition class, but I ran into the problems. CaptureStartValues() seems to capture values from the entire scene. I need it to only capture values from the recyclerview entry. Also, for some reason, the end values are not captured seeing as I get null endValues in the function createAnimator(ViewGroup sceneRoot, TransitionValues startValues, TransitionValues endValues).
TransitionSet exitTransition = new TransitionSet() .addTransition(new ChangeBounds()) .addTransition(new ChangeTransform()) .addTransition(new ChangeClipBounds()) .addTransition(new ChangeImageTransform()) .addTransition(new Expand()) .setOrdering(TransitionSet.ORDERING_TOGETHER); TransitionSet enterTransition = new TransitionSet() .addTransition(new Fade()); newFragment.setEnterTransition(enterTransition); oldFragment.setExitTransition(exitTransition);