This example is based on an example from the book Restlet in Action
If I try
public class StreamResource extends ServerResource
public Representation getStream() throws ResourceException, IOException
Representation representation = new WriterRepresentation(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)
public void write(Writer writer) throws IOException
String json = "{\"foo\" : \"bar\"}";
while (true)
return representation;
it works and it continuously sends the json string to the client.
If I introduce a delay in the while loop like this
String json = "{\"foo\" : \"bar\"}\r\n";
while (true)
catch (InterruptedException e)
I was hoping that the client would get data 4 times in a second BUT nothing seems to get to the client.
Can anyone explain why the introduction of Thread.sleep()
does that? What is a good way to introduce delay in streaming data to the client?