I will propose a solution which is rather complex but allows one to only use about twice as much memory during the computation as is needed to store the final result as a SparseArray
. The price to pay for this will be a much slower execution.
The code
Sparse array construction / deconstruction API
Here is the code. First, a slightly modified (to address higher-dimensional sparse arrays) sparse array construction - deconstruction API, taken from this answer:
ClearAll[spart, getIC, getJR, getSparseData, getDefaultElement,
HoldPattern[spart[SparseArray[s___], p_]] := {s}[[p]];
getIC[s_SparseArray] := spart[s, 4][[2, 1]];
getJR[s_SparseArray] := spart[s, 4][[2, 2]];
getSparseData[s_SparseArray] := spart[s, 4][[3]];
getDefaultElement[s_SparseArray] := spart[s, 3];
makeSparseArray[dims_List, jc_List, ir_List, data_List, defElem_: 0] :=
SparseArray @@ {Automatic, dims, defElem, {1, {jc, ir}, data}};
The following functions produce iterators. Iterators are a good way to encapsulate the iteration process.
makeTwoListIterator[fname_Symbol, a_List, b_List] :=
With[{indices = Flatten[Outer[List, a, b, 1], 1]},
With[{len = Length[indices]},
Module[{i = 0},
fname[] := With[{ind = ++i}, indices[[ind]] /; ind <= len];
fname[] := Null;
fname[n_] :=
With[{ind = i + 1}, i += n;
indices[[ind ;; Min[len, ind + n - 1]]] /; ind <= len];
fname[n_] := Null;
Note that I could have implemented the above function more memory - efficiently and not use Outer
in it, but for our purposes this won't be the major concern.
Here is a more specialized version, which produces interators for pairs of 2-dimensional indices.
make2DIndexInterator[fname_Symbol, i : {iStart_, iEnd_}, j : {jStart_, jEnd_}] :=
makeTwoListIterator[fname, Range @@ i, Range @@ j];
make2DIndexInterator[fname_Symbol, ilen_Integer, jlen_Integer] :=
make2DIndexInterator[fname, {1, ilen}, {1, jlen}];
Here is how this works:
Out[15]= {a,d}
Out[16]= {a,e}
Out[17]= {b,d}
We can also use this to get batch results:
Out[19]= {{a,d},{a,e}}
Out[20]= {{b,d},{b,e}}
, and we will be using this second form.
SparseArray - building function
This function will build a SparseArray
object iteratively, by getting chunks of data (also in SparseArray
form) and gluing them together. It is basically code used in this answer, packaged into a function. It accepts the code piece used to produce the next chunk of data, wrapped in Hold
(I could alternatively make it HoldAll
accumulateSparseArray[Hold[getDataChunkCode_]] :=
Module[{start, ic, jr, sparseData, dims, dataChunk},
start = getDataChunkCode;
ic = getIC[start];
jr = getJR[start];
sparseData = getSparseData[start];
dims = Dimensions[start];
While[True, dataChunk = getDataChunkCode;
If[dataChunk === {}, Break[]];
ic = Join[ic, Rest@getIC[dataChunk] + Last@ic];
jr = Join[jr, getJR[dataChunk]];
sparseData = Join[sparseData, getSparseData[dataChunk]];
dims[[1]] += First[Dimensions[dataChunk]];
makeSparseArray[dims, ic, jr, sparseData]];
Putting it all together
This function is the main one, putting it all together:
sparseArrayOuter[f_, a_SparseArray, b_SparseArray, chunkSize_: 100] :=
Module[{next, wrapperF, getDataChunkCode},
make2DIndexInterator[next, Length@a, Length@b];
wrapperF[x_List, y_List] := SparseArray[f @@@ Transpose[{x, y}]];
getDataChunkCode :=
With[{inds = next[chunkSize]},
If[inds === Null, Return[{}]];
wrapperF[a[[#]] & /@ inds[[All, 1]], b[[#]] & /@ inds[[All, -1]]]
Here, we first produce the iterator which will give us on demand portions of index pair list, used to extract the elements (also SparseArrays
). Note that we will generally extract more than one pair of elements from two large input SparseArray
-s at a time, to speed up the code. How many pairs we process at once is governed by the optional chunkSize
parameter, which defaults to 100
. We then construct the code to process these elements and put the result back into SparseArray
, where we use an auxiliary function wrapperF
. The use of iterators wasn't absolutely necessary (could use Reap
instead, as with other answers), but allowed me to decouple the logic of iteration from the logic of generic accumulation of sparse arrays.
First we prepare large sparse arrays and test our functionality:
arr = {SparseArray[{{1,1,1,1}->1,{2,2,2,2}->1}],SparseArray[{{1,1,1,2}->1,{2,2,2,1}->1}],
In[50]:= list=SparseArray[arr]
Out[50]= SparseArray[<12>,{6,2,2,2,2}]
In[51]:= larger = sparseArrayOuter[Dot,list,list]
Out[51]= SparseArray[<72>,{36,2,2,2,2,2,2}]
In[52]:= (large= sparseArrayOuter[Dot,larger,larger])//Timing
Out[52]= {0.047,SparseArray[<2592>,{1296,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2}]}
In[53]:= SparseArray[Flatten[Outer[Dot,larger,larger,1],1]]==large
Out[53]= True
In[54]:= MaxMemoryUsed[]
Out[54]= 21347336
Now we do the power tests
In[55]:= (huge= sparseArrayOuter[Dot,large,large,2000])//Timing
Out[55]= {114.344,SparseArray[<3359232>,{1679616,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2}]}
In[56]:= MaxMemoryUsed[]
Out[56]= 536941120
In[57]:= ByteCount[huge]
Out[57]= 262021120
In[58]:= (huge1 = Flatten[Outer[Dot,large,large,1],1]);//Timing
Out[58]= {8.687,Null}
In[59]:= MaxMemoryUsed[]
Out[59]= 2527281392
For this particular example, the suggested method is 5 times more memory-efficient than the direct use of Outer
, but about 15 times slower. I had to tweak the chunksize
parameter (default is 100
, but for the above I used 2000
, to get the optimal speed / memory use combination). My method only used as a peak value twice as much memory as needed to store the final result. The degree of memory-savings as compared to Outer
- based method will depend on the sparse arrays in question.
seems to have special support forTimes
: it keep the sparse structure and it's efficient. Generally,Outer[f, ...]
could be made much more efficient for sparse arrays if it could be guaranteed that thef
function has no side effects (and as a resultf[a,b]
always returns the same result for the samea
). Then the "unspecified element" (usually 0) of the sparse array could be passed tof
only once, and the result could be used as the new "unspecified element" in the new sparse array. While it can't be detected automatically that some ... – Verminf
has no side effects,Outer
could have an option where we explicitly tell it that it can make this assumption. Take this little comment as my suggested improvement toOuter
:-) – Verminf[a, b]
will actually not have the leaves of the sparse arraylist
as arguments but rather the elements at the first level, i.e. sparse subarrays. I merely collect these subarrays into an overall sparse array (rather than a list) to reduce the memory footprint. – Gerrard