These two codes provide the same signature, which is expected:
from M2Crypto import RSA, EVP
import base64, hashlib
text = "some text"
pkey = EVP.load_key("mykey.pem") #"mykey.pem" was generated as: openssl genrsa -des3 -out mykey.pem 2048
signature = pkey.sign_final()
print base64.b64encode(signature)
pkey = RSA.load_key("mykey.pem")
signature = pkey.sign(hashlib.sha1(text).digest())
print base64.b64encode(signature)
However, if I want to "imitate" the signature algorithm, i.e. encrypting the digest with the private key, I get a different signature, i.e.:
pkey = RSA.load_key("mykey.pem")
signature = pkey.private_encrypt(hashlib.sha1(text).digest(), RSA.pkcs1_padding)
print base64.b64encode(signature) #different from the two above
Could you please provide some explanation? What is wrong with the latter way of signing?