Code to test with:
import scalaz.{Reader, Applicative}
class ReaderInstanceTest {
type IntReader[A] = Reader[Int, A]
val a = Applicative[({type l[A] = Reader[Int, A]})#l] // fine
val b = Applicative[IntReader]
// ^ ambigous implicit values
// both method kleisliMonadReader ..
// and method kleisliIdMonadReader ..
Is this related to Scala's higher-order unification for type constructor inference ticket? If so (and even if not), could you describe what happens here in the a and b cases?
Do you have guidelines about when to use type lambda and when to use a type alias so that everything works out on the long run without unexpected errors?
to get scalac to pick one, rather than report the ambiguity error. (I had thought that all the bases were covered by this test:…) – Micco