I'm trying to use the Mongo aggregation framework to find where there are records that have different unique sets within the same document. An example will best explain this:
Here is a document that is not my real data, but conceptually the same:
houseId : 123,
rooms: [{ name : 'bedroom',
owns : [
{name : 'bed'},
{name : 'cabinet'}
{ name : 'kitchen',
owns : [
{name : 'sink'},
{name : 'cabinet'}
uses : [{name : 'sink'},
{name : 'cabinet'},
{name : 'bed'},
{name : 'sofa'}]
Notice that there are two hierarchies with similar items. It is also possible to use items that are not owned. I want to find documents like this one: where there is a house that uses something that it doesn't own.
So far I've built up the structure using the aggregate framework like below. This gets me to 2 sets of distinct items. However I haven't been able to find anything that could give me the result of a set intersection. Note that a simple count of set size will not work due to something like this: ['couch', 'cabinet'] compare to ['sofa', 'cabinet'].
{'$group' : {_id:'$houseId',
{ _id : 123,
use : ['sink', 'cabinet', 'bed', 'sofa'],
own : ['bed', 'cabinet', 'sink']
How do I then find the set intersection of use and own in the next stage of the pipeline?