Been having one last issue with my code which involves the .Call function in the reflect package.
So I'm making a call such as this:
params := "some map[string][]string"
in := make([]reflect.Value,0)
return_values := reflect.ValueOf(&controller_ref).MethodByName(action_name).Call(in)
where the method I'm making the .Call to is as follows:
func (c *Controller) Root(params map[string][]string) map[string] string{}
What I don't quite understand is how to manipulate the "in" variable in order to properly pass the map I need to into the function. I see that the second parameter in the make() is the length of the parameter? But I don't quite understand how to format the vars in order to properly pass in my parameter. I am recursively running into the error message:
reflect: Call with too few input arguments
Any help would be much appreciated!