I've been using VS 2015 for a while now and just upgraded to VS 2017 when it launched yesterday (2017-03-07). I installed with only the .NET desktop and C++ desktop workflows, without changing any other individual components.
I'm considering migrating my C++ projects to the 2017 toolchain (version "141" apparently? 2015 was "140"). I need to use the VC merge modules for my installer, so I looked in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Merge Modules
folder, but that folder only contains VC140
MSMs where I was expecting to also see VC141
MSMs added by the installation of 2017.
Where are the MSM files for the 2017 VC runtime?
I briefly (very briefly) considered the possibility that because 2017's VC number looks like a semver minor bump from 2015's VC number, the 2015 MSMs might suffice for the 2017 runtime, but... that seems unlikely.