I already know that one can implement a class that inherits from SimpleTestCase
, and one can test redirection by:
SimpleTestCase.assertRedirects(response, expected_url, status_code=302, target_status_code=200, host=None, msg_prefix='', fetch_redirect_response=True)
However, I am wondering what is the way I can check for redirection using pytest:
def test_redirection_to_home_when_group_does_not_exist(create_social_user):
"""Some docstring defining what the test is checking."""
c = Client()
c.login(username='TEST_USERNAME', password='TEST_PASSWORD')
response = c.get(reverse('pledges:home_group',
kwargs={'group_id': 100}),
SimpleTestCase.assertRedirects(response, reverse('pledges:home'))
However, I am getting the following error:
SimpleTestCase.assertRedirects(response, reverse('pledges:home'))
E TypeError: assertRedirects() missing 1 required positional argument: 'expected_url'
Is there any way I can use pytest to verify redirection with Django? Or I should go the way using a class that inherits from SimpleTestCase
when you callc.get
. – Luiseluiza