Suppose I wish to re-index, with linear interpolation, a time series to a pre-defined index, where none of the index values are shared between old and new index. For example
# index is all precise timestamps e.g. 2018-10-08 05:23:07
series = pandas.Series(data,index)
# I want rounded date-times
desired_index = pandas.date_range("2010-10-08",periods=10,freq="30min")
Tutorials/API suggest the way to do this is to reindex
then fill NaN values using interpolate
. But, as there is no overlap of datetimes between the old and new index, reindex outputs all NaN:
# The following outputs all NaN as no date times match old to new index
I do not want to fill nearest values during reindex
as that will lose precision, so I came up with the following; concatenate the reindexed series with the original before interpolating:
This seems very inefficient, concatenating and then sorting the two series. Is there a better way?
suitably lazy, or will they compute thousands of values I don't need? – Blubberhead