nx format:check expects no colon after else
in html files:
<div *ngIf="isValid; else errors">
but when I run prettier in the same project it expects a colon after else
<div *ngIf="isValid; else: errors">
- why is this different?
I thought thatnx format:check
just executes prettier in my root directory? - Is there some config-option that I am missing?
More info:
In a subdirectory which includes an angular template, I can verify the issue:
$ nx format:check --files login.component.html
$ prettier -c login.component.html
Checking formatting...
Code style issues found in the above file(s). Forgot to run Prettier?
Note, that nx does not report an issue, but prettier does: here are the versions:
$ nx --version
$ prettier --version
in the same directory to check the same file. – Unchartered