Short answer:
Your kafka client will need this in the configuration:
# security settings
That is if you use the same JVM truststore from the tutorial, and no password. The ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm
turns off the host name verification.
Long answer:
I wondered the same thing after going through the tutorial, wondering why the JVM truststore magically works when connecting to MSK. The explanation is this:
If you take a peek at what certificates this truststore imported
keytool --list -v -keystore /tmp/kafka.client.truststore.jks | grep Owner
One of them is Starfield Services Root Certificate Authority
, when Amazon purchased the company, the CA became one of Amazon's (see all of them here Since JVM truststore trusts this CA, it also trusts anything signed by the CA, and the MSK cluster is one of them.
If you would prefer to generate your own truststore, download one of the Amazon's certificate and import
keytool -keystore kafka.client.truststore.jks -alias CARoot -importcert -file {downloaded-cert} -storepass {your-password}