You can use the static method cases()
for this. This returns an array of all values in the enum. The values have a "name" property that is a string representation you can check against (backed enums also have a "value" property that contains the string value you defined in the enum).
So an example implementation could be something like:
enum Fruit {
case APPLE;
case ORANGE;
case BANANA;
// String from user input
$fruit = $_POST['fruit'];
// Find matching fruit in all enum cases
$fruits = Fruit::cases();
$matchingFruitIndex = array_search($fruit, array_column($fruits, "name"));
// If found, eat it
if ($matchingFruitIndex !== false) {
$matchingFruit = $fruits[$matchingFruitIndex];
} else {
echo $fruit . " is not a valid Fruit";
function eatFruit(Fruit $fruit): void {
if ($fruit === Fruit::APPLE) {
echo "An apple a day keeps the doctor away";
} elseif ($fruit === Fruit::ORANGE) {
echo "When life gives you oranges, make orange juice";
} elseif ($fruit === Fruit::BANANA) {
echo "Banana for scale";
Working version with sample data:
If you want to do this more often with different enums, you could write a helper function for this:
function getEnumValue($value, $enumClass) {
$cases = $enumClass::cases();
$index = array_search($value, array_column($cases, "name"));
if ($index !== false) {
return $cases[$index];
return null;
$fruit = getEnumValue($_POST['fruit'], Fruit::class);
if ($fruit !== null) {
} else {
echo $_POST['fruit'] . " is not a valid Fruit";
Example with the same sample data: