I have this little problem, that I cannot figure out which arguments to pass to Type.GetMethod in order to get back the MethodInfo of a generic method on a non generic type. Specifically, I have this type definition:
public static class A
public static B F<T>(bool dummy)
public static B F<T>(IEnumerable<T> arg)
I have tried several takes at Type.GetMethod, but none would return the MethodInfo of the F method.
I am aware that I can invoke Type.GetMethods or even Type.FindMember, but I am interested in Type.GetMethod.
Any ideas?
Actually, my code is a bit more complex. The generic method is overloaded, so I cannot use the Type.GetMethod with just the function name. I tried these variants:
typeof(A).GetMethod("F", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public, null, new Type[]{ typeof(IEnumerable<>) }, null)
typeof(A).GetMethod("F`1", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public, null, new Type[]{ typeof(IEnumerable<>) }, null)
typeof(A).GetMethod("F[T]", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public, null, new Type[]{ typeof(IEnumerable<>) }, null)
typeof(A).GetMethod("F[[T]]", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public, null, new Type[]{ typeof(IEnumerable<>) }, null)