I am trying to use spray-json in scala to recognize the choice between Ec2Provider and OpenstackProvider when converting to Json and back. I would like to be able to give choices in "Provider", and if those choices don't fit the ones available then it should not validate.
My attempt at this can be seen in the following code:
import spray.json._
import DefaultJsonProtocol._
case class Credentials(username: String, password: String)
abstract class Provider
case class Ec2Provider(endpoint: String,credentials: Credentials) extends Provider
case class OpenstackProvider(credentials: Credentials) extends Provider
case class Infrastructure(name: String, provider: Provider, availableInstanceTypes: List[String])
case class InfrastructuresList(infrastructures: List[Infrastructure])
object Infrastructures extends App with DefaultJsonProtocol {
implicit val credFormat = jsonFormat2(Credentials)
implicit val ec2Provider = jsonFormat2(Ec2Provider)
implicit val novaProvider = jsonFormat1(OpenstackProvider)
implicit val infraFormat = jsonFormat3(Infrastructure)
implicit val infrasFormat = jsonFormat1(InfrastructuresList)
Infrastructure("test", Ec2Provider("nova", Credentials("user","pass")), List("1", "2"))
Unfortunately, it fails because it can not find a formatter for Provider
abstract class.
test.scala:19: could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type Infrastructures.JF[Provider]
Anyone have any solution for this?