You can, and I created an example project demonstrating how to create these facilities for yourself using ES5 and RequireJS - it works with React and also with Backbone - it could probably work with Angular and Ember etc, as long as you use AMD modules and RequireJS.
Here's all the information:
the basic steps are:
gulp.js watchers listen for filesystem changes server in gulpfile sends a message to all browser clients with the path of the file that changed
client deletes cache representing that file/module, and re-requires it (using AJAX to pull it from the server filesystem)
front-end app is configured / designed to
re-evaluate all references to the modules that it wishes to
hot-reload, in this case, only JS views, templates and CSS are
available to hot reload - the router, controllers, datastores
are not configured yet. I do suspect all files could be hot reloaded with the only exception being data stores.
You can see an example project here:
but I recommend reading the article above first.
This is a simpler more DIY implementation of hot-reloading than using Babel/ES6 and React-Hot-Loader.
Webpack was not primarily designed for hot-reloading- if it were, hot-reloading would no longer be an experimental feature, nor would it using polling to see filesystem diffs, which it currently does (see my article).
The RequireJS / AMD spec was basically made for hot-reloading, if you think about it.