I am using python2.7, nltk 3.2.1 and python-crfsuite 0.8.4. I am following this page : http://www.nltk.org/api/nltk.tag.html?highlight=stanford#nltk.tag.stanford.NERTagger for nltk.tag.crf module.
To start with i just run this
from nltk.tag import CRFTagger
ct = CRFTagger()
train_data = [[('dfd','dfd')]]
I tried this too
f = open("abc","wb")
but i am getting the following error,
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\nltk\tag\crf.py", line 129, in <genexpr>
if all (unicodedata.category(x) in punc_cat for x in token):
TypeError: must be unicode, not str