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How to write an R function that evaluates an expression within a data-frame
I want to write a function that sorts a data.frame -- instead of using the cumbersome order(). Given something like
> x=data.frame(a=c(5,6,7),b=c(3,5,1))
> x
a b
1 5 3
2 6 5
3 7 1
I want to say something like:
So here's my function:
sort.df <- function(df, ...) {
with(df, df[order(...),])
I was really proud of this. Given R's lazy evaluation, I figured that the ... parameter would only be evaluated when needed -- and by that time it would be in scope, due to 'with'.
If I run the 'with' line directly, it works. But the function doesn't.
> with(x,x[order(b),])
a b
3 7 1
1 5 3
2 6 5
> sort.df(x,b)
Error in order(...) : object 'b' not found
What's wrong and how to fix it? I see this sort of "magic" frequently in packages like plyr, for example. What's the trick?
which does exactly this. – Mosstrooper