I have been able to properly bind an object with primitive data from a service to a scope variable from a controller but I'm having trouble doing the same thing with an array variable from the service.
myServices.factory('MyService', ['$http', function($http) {
var mySets = [];
return {
initMySets: function(userId, success, error) {
$http.get(apiUrl + "/controller/getmysets", {params:{id:userId}}).success(function (data) {
mySets = [];
angular.copy(data, mySets);
getMySets: mySets
myControllers.controller('MenuController', ['$scope', 'UserService', 'MyService',
function ($scope, UserService, MyService) {
$scope.user = UserService.user;
$scope.mySets = MyService.getMySets;
$scope.logout = function() {
<nav id="app-menu" ng-controller="MenuController" ng-class="{hide:!global.showMenu,slide:global.showMenu}">
<div id="menu-head">
<div ng-switch on="user.UserId != null">
<li ng-switch-when="true"><a href="#/main" ng-click="toggleMenu();logout();">Logout</a></li>
<li ng-switch-when="false"><a href="#/login" ng-click="toggleMenu()">Login</a></li>
<li ng-switch-when="true" ng-repeat="mySet in mySets">
<a href="#/mySet /{{mySet.MySetId}}" ng-click="toggleMenu()">{{mySet.Label}}</a>
I have a login function that calls initMySets on success passing in the userId and I know that the mySets variable in the service is getting populated properly on the angular copy but I'm not getting the actual update in the controller.
The $scope.user variable is being updated from the UserService, but the mySet ng-repeat isn't displaying the list from the service.
The data being returned from the http.get is an IEnumerable collection of complex objects from my MVC Web API controller. I'm not sure if that makes a difference.
method: docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.$rootScope.Scope – Midday$apply
does force an update and may be useful to some, services themselves don't have scopes and calling this method on the$rootScope
can be expensive. – Lunarian