I have two points on google map first one is the source and second is the destination, I have the route between these points on the map.Now I want to navigate user from source to destination as Google does on Google Map Like this:-
The Google Maps Android API v2 doesn't provide any functionality for navigation. It is in contradiction with Terms of Service of Maps APIs. Have a look at section 10.4 c (iii) of ToS:
No navigation. You will not use the Service or Content for or in connection with (a) real-time navigation or route guidance; or (b) automatic or autonomous vehicle control.
If you need navigation you should create an intent that opens the Google Maps app in navigation mode. There is a Google Maps URLs that allows to construct a universal, cross-platform URL to launch Google Maps intents from your application. You can open navigation mode of native app following this documentation:
Hope this helps!
There is a way to stimulate a view like that but not embedded like uber but very close.
public void loadNavigationView(String lat,String lng){
Uri navigation = Uri.parse("google.navigation:q="+lat+","+lng+"");
Intent navigationIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, navigation);
You call the method and provide the latitude and longitude.It will launch Google map navigation.Like uber
After searching, I found something on this context. Now google providing In-app Navigation and Google Maps turn-by-turn directions support. It's paid, you can check more about this on below link.
Not sure if it solve your problem or not.
This is how you can open and enable Google Map Navigation
private fun startNavigation(lat: Double, lng: Double) {
val uri = Uri.parse("google.navigation:q=" + lat + "," + lng + "&mode=d")
//create an intent
val mapIntent = Intent()
//add action & data
mapIntent.action = Intent.ACTION_VIEW
mapIntent.data = uri
//package name for google maps app
try {
} catch (e: ActivityNotFoundException) {
//if map app isn't resolved/installed catch error
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