Cross-Validation or CV allows us to compare different machine learning methods and get a sense of how well they will work in practice.
Scenario-1 (Directly related to the question)
- Yes, CV can be used to know which method (SVM, Random Forest, etc) will perform best and we can pick that method to work further.
(From these methods different models will be generated and evaluated for each method and an average metric is calculated for each method and the best average metric will help in selecting the method)
- After getting the information about the best method/ or best parameters we can train/retrain our model on the training dataset.
- For parameters or coefficients, these can be determined by grid search techniques. See grid search
Suppose you have a small amount of data and you want to perform training, validation and testing on data. Then dividing such a small amount of data into three sets reduce the training samples drastically and the result will depend on the choice of pairs of training and validation sets.
CV will come to the rescue here. In this case, we don't need the validation set but we still need to hold the test data.
A model will be trained on k-1 folds of training data and the remaining 1 fold will be used for validating the data. A mean and standard deviation metric will be generated to see how well the model will perform in practice.