I already can use the textract but with JPEG files. I would like to use it with PDF files.
I have the code bellow:
import boto3
# Document
documentName = "Path to document in JPEG"
# Read document content
with open(documentName, 'rb') as document:
imageBytes = bytearray(document.read())
# Amazon Textract client
textract = boto3.client('textract')
documentText = ""
# Call Amazon Textract
response = textract.detect_document_text(Document={'Bytes': imageBytes})
# Print detected text
for item in response["Blocks"]:
if item["BlockType"] == "LINE":
documentText = documentText + item["Text"]
# print('\033[94m' + item["Text"] + '\033[0m')
# # print(item["Text"])
# removing the quotation marks from the string, otherwise would cause problems to A.I
documentText = documentText.replace(chr(34), '')
documentText = documentText.replace(chr(39), '')
As I said, it works fine. But I would like to use it passing a PDF file as in the web application for tests.
I know it possible to convert the PDF to JPEG in python but it would be nice to do it with PDF. I read the documentation and do not find the answer.
How can I do that?
EDIT 1: I forgot to mention that I do not intend to use de s3 bucket. I want to pass the PDF right in the script, without having to upload it into s3 bucket.