I am currently developing a game in Scala where I have a number of entities (e.g. GunBattery, Squadron, EnemyShip, EnemyFighter) that all inherit from a GameEntity class. Game entities broadcast things of interest to the game world and one another via an Event/Message system. There are are a number of EventMesssages (EntityDied, FireAtPosition, HullBreach).
Currently, each entity has a receive(msg:EventMessage)
as well as more specific receive methods for each message type it responds to (e.g. receive(msg:EntityDiedMessage)
). The general receive(msg:EventMessage)
method is just a switch statement that calls the appropriate receive method based on the type of message.
As the game is in development, the list of entities and messages (and which entities will respond to which messages) is fluid. Ideally if I want a game entity to be able to receive a new message type, I just want to be able to code the logic for the response, not do that and have to update a match statement else where.
One thought I had would be to pull the receive methods out of the Game entity hierarchy and have a series of functions like def receive(e:EnemyShip,m:ExplosionMessage)
and def receive(e:SpaceStation,m:ExplosionMessage)
but this compounds the problem as now I need a match statement to cover both the message and game entity types.
This seems related to the concepts of Double and Multiple dispatch and perhaps the Visitor pattern but I am having some trouble wrapping my head around it. I am not looking for an OOP solution per se, however I would like to avoid reflection if possible.
Doing some more research, I think what I am looking for is something like Clojure's defmulti
You can do something like:
(defmulti receive :entity :msgType)
(defmethod receive :fighter :explosion [] "fighter handling explosion message")
(defmethod receive :player-ship :hullbreach [] "player ship handling hull breach")