I am a .NET guy who is having to do some work on an MFC app. The app is a VS2008 MFC executable which I have converted to VS2010. The original developers did localisation by specifying the name of a .txt file with key value pairs in it on the applications command line. Installed shortcuts to the executable specify a different .txt file depending on which country the app is being installed in. This of course does not work if you just run the .exe directly. This seems like a weird way to do things to me.
I want to do this the propper MFC way, but I am having difficulty finding definitive answers on Google. My understanding is that the String Table in the .rc file should be used for this localisation? Is this the current best practice for MFC?
With respect to the String Table I have read that the practice is to create multiple string tables each for a different language. How do MFC applications choose which language to use? Is it based on the machines current language settings or can I control this (it may be that we want the language to be specified by the Wix .msi installer we are also building)?
I have also read that embedding all resource inside an MFC application has fallen out of favor and that now you should compile seperate resource .dlls? Is this is true ill investigate how to do it...
Finally, do I have to do something special to get MFC to support Unicode or is MFC Unicode by default?