I would like to add my solution as well, because I had trouble finding one that did all I needed and would handle all circumstances. I tested it quite thoroughly. It keeps dots and spaces and unmatched square brackets (normally changed to underscores), plus it handles arrays in the input well. Tested in PHP 8.0.0 and 8.0.14.
const periodPlaceholder = 'QQleQPunT';
const spacePlaceholder = 'QQleQSpaTIE';
function parse_str_clean($querystr): array {
// without the converting of spaces and dots etc to underscores.
$qquerystr = str_ireplace(['.','%2E','+',' ','%20'], [periodPlaceholder,periodPlaceholder,spacePlaceholder,spacePlaceholder,spacePlaceholder], $querystr);
$arr = null ; parse_str($qquerystr, $arr);
sanitizeArr($arr, $querystr);
return $arr;
function sanitizeArr(&$arr, $querystr) {
foreach($arr as $key=>$val) {
// restore values to original
if ( is_string($val)) {
$newval = str_replace([periodPlaceholder,spacePlaceholder], ["."," "], $val);
if ( $val != $newval) $arr[$key]=$newval;
foreach($arr as $key=>$val) {
$newkey = str_replace([periodPlaceholder,spacePlaceholder], ["."," "], $key);
if ( str_contains($newkey, '_') ) {
// periode of space or [ or ] converted to _. Restore with querystring
$regex = '/&('.str_replace('_', '[ \.\[\]]', preg_quote($newkey, '/')).')=/';
$matches = null ;
if ( preg_match_all($regex, "&".urldecode($querystr), $matches) ) {
if ( count(array_unique($matches[1])) === 1 && $key != $matches[1][0] ) {
$newkey = $matches[1][0] ;
if ( $newkey != $key ) $arr = array_replace_key($arr,$key, $newkey);
if ( is_array($val)) {
sanitizeArr($arr[$newkey], $querystr);
function array_replace_key($array, $oldKey, $newKey): array {
// preserves order of the array
if( ! array_key_exists( $oldKey, $array ) ) return $array;
$keys = array_keys( $array );
$keys[ array_search( $oldKey, $keys ) ] = $newKey;
return array_combine( $keys, $array );
- First replaces spaces and . by placeholders in querystring before coding before parsing, later undoes that within the array keys and values. This way we can use the normal parse_str.
- Unmatched [ and ] are also replaced by underscores by parse_str, but these cannot be reliably replaced by a placeholder. And we definitely don't want to replace matched []. Hence we don't replace [ and ], en let them be replaced by underscores by parse_str. Then we restore the _ in the resulting keys and seeing in the original querystring if there was a [ or ] there.
- Known bug: keys 'something]something' and almost identical 'something[something' may be confused. It's occurrence will be zero, so I left it.
var_dump(parse_str_clean("code.1=printr%28hahaha&code 1=448044&test.mijn%5B%5D%5B2%5D=test%20Roemer&test%20mijn%5B=test%202e%20Roemer"));
yields correctly
array(4) {
string(13) "printr(hahaha"
["code 1"]=>
string(6) "448044"
array(1) {
array(1) {
string(11) "test Roemer"
string(14) "test 2e Roemer"
whereas the original parse_str only yields, with the same string:
array(2) {
string(6) "448044"
string(14) "test 2e Roemer"
<?php $array = explode('&',$input); ?>
– Deitz$f = explode("&",$str);
– Ulcerationparse_str()
? – Plainsongparse_str()
does it all at once, you'd need to explode twice and use a third function or a loop to set the keys to the strings. – Intertwineparse_str()
actually won't do what he wants in one line, personally I think the explode method is much more clear than running a regular expression but I can understand if that's the way people like to do things :) – Deitz