It is a multi-module maven project. I have included flatten-maven-plugin in my parent pom
defined a property scl_version in parent pom and used ${scl_version} in of child pom. Value is 0.0.1 .
when i run mvn flatten:flatten
It generates a warning : [WARNING] 'version' contains an expression but should be a constant.
A flattened pom is created in all modules including parent and all the childs.
Flattened pom has value of the property in version tag of child pom. But when i give, mvn install it still gives warning that version should be constant but it is an expression.
But documentation says:
This MOJO realizes the goal flatten that generates the flattened POM and potentially updates the POM file so that the current MavenProject's file points to the flattened POM instead of the original pom.xml file. The flattened POM is a reduced version of the original POM with the focus to contain only the important information for consuming it. Therefore information that is only required for maintenance by developers and to build the project artifact(s) are stripped.
so when i do mvn install it should not generate warning.
mvn install and mvn flatten:flatten both generates this warning:
[WARNING] 'version' contains an expression but should be a constant.
Am i missing something, is it not using flattened-pom.xml. Do i need to specify something.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
properties tag starts here
property tag ends here
<!-- enable flattening -->
<!-- ensure proper cleanup -->
generated flattened pom:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""
<name>Maven Repository Switchboard</name>
property is used in grand grand child pom ( for trail, if successfull without warning, i can iuse it everywhere):
<description>OSGi bundle project.</description>
Apart from this, it has bundle plugin dependency plugin and some dependencies. In flattened pom ofthis child this version is resolved to 0.0.1