My first attempt was an utter failure - thanks jeb for pointing out the errors. For those that are interested, the original answer is available in the edit history.
Aacini has a good solution if you don't mind putting your subroutine in a separate file.
Here is a solution that works without the need of a 2nd batch file. And it actually works this time! :)
(Edit 2 - optimized code as per jeb's suggestion in comment)
::Silently get the echo state and turn echo off
call :getEchoState echoState
echo off
::Do whatever
set return=returnValue
::Restore the echo state, pass the return value across endlocal, and return
echo %echoState%
set return=%return%
exit /b
:getEchoState echoStateVar
@set file=%time%
@set file="%temp%\getEchoState%file::=_%_%random%.tmp"
for %%A in (dummy) do rem
) >%file%
@for %%A in (%file%) do @(
if %%~zA equ 0 (set %~1=OFF) else set %~1=ON
del %file%
exit /b
If you are willing to put up with the slight risk of two processes simultaneously trying to access the same file, the :getEchoState routine can be simplified without the need of SETLOCAL or a temp variable.
:getEchoState echoStateVar
for %%A in (dummy) do rem
) >"%temp%\getEchoState.tmp"
@for %%A in ("%temp%\getEchoState.tmp") do @(
if %%~zA equ 0 (set %~1=OFF) else set %~1=ON
del "%temp%\getEchoState.tmp"
exit /b
infor /f "tokens=3 delims=. " %%A in ('echo')
will be executed in a new cmd-context and is alwaysON
. The second problem is that even if you get the state it's localized, as on my system I gotECHO ist eingeschaltet (ON).
– Locomotive