I would like to change the behavior of a JSpinner so that when you click on the text, it selects it. This makes it easier to replace the field with the value that you want. Unfortunately, I can't get the behavior to work and instead, it just inserts the cursor in the text without selecting what is already there.
I have tried adding a focus Listener to both the JSpinner itself and the text area itself, via ((DefaultEditor) this.getEditor()).getTextField()
, yet neither of these seem to have the intended effect. My code (for the JSpinner itself) is as follows:
spinner.addFocusListener(new FocusAdapter(){
public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
((DefaultEditor) ((JSpinner) e.getSource()).getEditor()).getTextField().selectAll();
I'm not sure what the problem is. If it matters, I'm running Mac OS 10.7.5 and Java 6u43.
EDIT: I put a System.out.println
right at the beginning of the focusGained method and discovered that it was never called. So it looks like getting focus on the JSpinner isn't registering. Again, I tried putting the focusAdpater both on the spinner and on the text field (not at the same time though).