I have two divs side by side set to height auto. I want them to have equal height, so i combined them as members of an array.
I recurse through the array and set the not-tallest ones to the height of the tallest. Problem is everything i have tried to get the COMPUTED height has resulted in the incorrect value.
I have tried the following:
(els[x].currentStyle) ? h=els[x].currentStyle.height : h=window.getComputedStyle(els[x],null).height;
h = el.clientHeight || el.offsetHeight || el.scrollHeight;
Both of these are yielding 640 px'ish while the computed is 751.8 in my particular showing.
Is there possbily a constant I can use to get the correct height. Like maybe the number im getting would be on a standard size screen (like 960 pixels high or such) then multiple that by the window size?
? – LabiagetBoundingClientRect()
? – Disprize