I am developing a Windows Store application that communicate to Dynamics CRM Online using Azure Active Directory for the authentication.
The application uses this CRM 2013 SDK example: SampleCode\CS\ModernAndMobileApps\ModernSoapApp
and refers to this nuget package for the authentication:
I am able to authenticate correctly, the main line is this:
AuthenticationResult result = await _authenticationContext.AcquireTokenAsync("Microsoft.CRM", ClientID, redirectUrl, string.Empty, string.Empty);
The problem is that I need to add a logout functionality and I can't get rid of the persistent token.
I tried to do a logout with the following line:
(AuthenticationContext.TokenCache as DefaultTokenCache).Clear();
but the application is able to get a valid token by itself when I call again the AcquireTokenAsync method instead showing the page for entering the credentials.
What am I missing to perform a full logout?