I'm researching a solution for an issue with GWT and OSGi+PAX-Web. The particular problem is that GWT cannot load the serialization policy file, giving the following error:
ERROR: The serialization policy file '/ctx/ctx/6ExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxF.gwt.rpc' was not found; did you forget to include it in this deployment?
The problem lies somewhere between Equinox OSGi and PAX-WEB.
To find a solution, I would like to better understand how GWT-RPC is loading the serialization policy files.
- What is their lifecycle? When are they loaded? (I see it's on server startup. Any particularities in the lifecycle? Reload?)
- How GWT loads this file in its stack? At what point in the call stack of a request? How does GWT knows where to load them from? Can I tell GWT where it should look for this file?
(disclaimer: I've read the gwt docs on the generated files [2]. I'm looking for more low-level details: I've the impressions that the error we are having has to deal with HttpContext.getResource())