By defining a combinator, which:
is defined as a lambda term with no free variables, so by definition any combinator is already a lambda term,
you can define, for example, a list structure, by writing:
Y = (list definition in lambda calculus)
Y LIST = (list definition in lambda calculus) LIST
Y LIST = (element insertion definition in lambda calculus)
Intuitively, and using a fixed point combinator, a possible definition is --:
- a list is either empty, followed by a trailing element, say
- or a list is formed by an element
, that may be another list inside the former one.
Since it's been defined with a combinator -- fixed point combinator --, there's no need to perform further applications, the following abstraction is a lambda term itself.
Y = λf.λy.λx.f (x y)
Now, naming it a LIST:
Y LIST = (*λf*.λy.λx.*f* (x y)) *LIST* -- applying function name
LIST = λy.λx.LIST (x y), and adding the trailing element "0"
LIST = (λy.λx.LIST (x y) ) 0
LIST = (*λy*.λx.LIST (x *y*) ) *0*
LIST = λx.LIST (x 0), which defines the element insertion abstraction.
The fixed point combinator Y
, or simply combinator, allows you to consider the definition of LIST already a valid member, with no free variables, so, with no need for reductions.
Then, you can append/insert elements, say 1 and 2, by doing:
LIST = (λx.LIST (x 0)) 1 2 =
= (*λx*.LIST (*x* 0)) *1* 2 =
= (LIST (1 0)) 2 =
But here, we know the definition of list, so we expand it:
= (LIST (1 0)) 2 =
= ((λy.λx.LIST (x y)) (1 0)) 2 =
= ((*λy*.λx.LIST (x *y*)) *(1 0)*) 2 =
= ( λx.LIST (x (1 0)) ) 2 =
Now, inserting element 2
= ( λx.LIST (x (1 0)) ) 2 =
= ( *λx*.LIST (*x* (1 0)) ) *2* =
= LIST (2 (1 0))
Which can both be expanded, in case of a new insertion, or simply left as is, due to the fact that LIST is a lambda term, defined with a combinator.
Expanding for future insertions:
= LIST (2 (1 0)) =
= (λy.λx.LIST (x y)) (2 (1 0)) =
= (*λy*.λx.LIST (x *y*)) *(2 (1 0))* =
= λx.LIST (x (2 (1 0))) =
= ( λx.LIST (x (2 (1 0))) ) (new elements...)
I'm really glad I've been able to derive this myself, but I'm quite sure there must be some good bunch of extra conditions, when defining a stack, a heap, or some fancier structure.
Trying to derive the abstraction for a stack insertion/removal -- without all the step-by-step:
Y = λf.λy.λx.f (x y)
Y STACK 0 = λx.STACK (x 0)
STACK = λx.STACK (x 0)
To perform the operation upon it, let's name an empty stack -- allocating a variable (:
stack = λx.STACK (x 0)
// Insertion -- PUSH STACK VALUE -> STACK
PUSH = λs.λv.(s v)
stack = PUSH stack 1 =
= ( λs.λv.(s v) ) stack 1 =
= ( λv.(stack v) ) 1 =
= ( stack 1 ) = we already know the steps from here, which will give us:
= λx.STACK (x (1 0))
stack = PUSH stack 2 =
= ( λs.λv.(s v) ) stack 2 =
= ( stack 2 ) =
= λx.STACK x (2 (1 0))
stack = PUSH stack 3 =
= ( λs.λv.(s v) ) stack 3 =
= ( stack 3 ) =
= λx.STACK x (3 (2 (1 0)))
And we, once again, name this result, for us to pop the elements:
stack = λx.STACK x (3 (2 (1 0)))
// Removal -- POP STACK -> STACK
POP = λs.(λy.s (y (λt.λb.b)))
stack = POP stack =
= ( λs.(λy.s y (λt.λb.b)) ) stack =
= λy.(stack (y (λt.λb.b))) = but we know the exact expansion of "stack", so:
= λy.((λx.STACK x (3 (2 (1 0))) ) (y (λt.λb.b))) =
= λy.STACK y (λt.λb.b) (3 (2 (1 0))) = no problem if we rename y to x (:
= λx.STACK x (λt.λb.b) (3 (2 (1 0))) =
= λx.STACK x (λt.λb.b) (3 (2 (1 0))) = someone guide me here, if i'm wrong
= λx.STACK x (λb.b) (2 (1 0)) =
= λx.STACK x (2) (1 0) =
= λx.STACK x (2 (1 0))
For what, hopefully, we have the element 3
I've tried to derive this myself, so, if there's any restriction from lambda calculus I didn't followed, please, point it out.
? I'm bringing this up because singly linked lists have been done a thousand times already, and may be easier to think about. – Storekeeperlist
definition to define thestack
. – Boyla