I've been reading tens of examples for similar issues, but I can't get any of the solutions I've seen or their variants to run. I'm screen scraping, and I just want to ignore 404 errors (skip the pages). I get
'AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'HTTPError'.
I've tried 'URLError' as well. I've seen the near identical syntax accepted as working answers. Any ideas? Here's what I've got:
import urllib
import datetime
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
class EarningsAnnouncement:
def __init__(self, Company, Ticker, EPSEst, AnnouncementDate, AnnouncementTime):
self.Company = Company
self.Ticker = Ticker
self.EPSEst = EPSEst
self.AnnouncementDate = AnnouncementDate
self.AnnouncementTime = AnnouncementTime
webBaseStr = 'http://biz.yahoo.com/research/earncal/'
earningsAnnouncements = []
dayVar = datetime.date.today()
for dte in range(1, 30):
currDay = str(dayVar.day)
currMonth = str(dayVar.month)
currYear = str(dayVar.year)
if (len(currDay)==1): currDay = '0' + currDay
if (len(currMonth)==1): currMonth = '0' + currMonth
dateStr = currYear + currMonth + currDay
webString = webBaseStr + dateStr + '.html'
#with urllib.request.urlopen(webString) as url: page = url.read()
page = urllib.request.urlopen(webString).read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
tbls = soup.findAll('table')
tbl6= tbls[6]
rows = tbl6.findAll('tr')
rows = rows[2:len(rows)-1]
for earn in rows:
earningsAnnouncements.append(EarningsAnnouncement(earn.contents[0], earn.contents[1],
earn.contents[3], dateStr, earn.contents[3]))
except urllib.HTTPError as err:
if err.code == 404:
dayVar += datetime.timedelta(days=1)