Basically I am currently doing final year project in my college whereby i am touching on surface 2.0 WPF.
My project is a game whereby if a user answer a question wrongly,the next question will be rotated to make it more difficult. But I am unsure how to do it. I saw an example in msdn microsoft but it only shows XAML codes. I need the C# codes.
Here's the XAML example.
The last example
Here's part of my validation codes. I need to activate the animation if user answer wrongly.
if (surfaceRadioButton1.IsChecked == true)
user_answer = (string)surfaceRadioButton1.Content;
textBlock2.Text = validateAnswer(user_answer, answer);
if (textBlock2.Text.Equals("Correct"))
yellow_coord = yellow_coord + 50;
Canvas.SetLeft(car, yellow_coord);
Canvas.SetTop(car, 289);
if (yellow_coord <= 330)
yellow_coord = 330;
Canvas.SetLeft(car, yellow_coord);
Canvas.SetTop(car, 289);
yellow_coord = yellow_coord - 50;
Canvas.SetLeft(car, yellow_coord);
Canvas.SetTop(car, 289);
Any Help will be glad,thanks in advance.