I have to disagree with Brian, because as of now the standard method for storing passwords in any database is to "salt" (see Wikipedia for a detailed explanation) the password with a randomly generated value and store the hashed value and the salt in your "database" (see remarks). The salt is not a secret so you can store it in plain text. Whenever the user enters the password you read the salt from your file, apply it to the entered password and then apply your chosen hash algorithm. Then you compare the results with your stored hash. If they match, the user is authenticated. For a good (and entertaining :)) explanation why "just" hashing the password isn't enough, see: How NOT to store passwords!
For a tutorial implementation of the salting and hashing process in C# see: C# Salting & Hashing Passwords
You can also find a good way to do this here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/12657970
For a quick reference, the process in pseudocode:
First password storage:
//get user input
username = GetUserName
password = GetPassword
//generate random salt
salt = GetRandomValue
//combine password and salt and apply hash
hashedPassword = Hash(password + salt)
//store hash value and salt in database
AddToDatabase(username, hashedPassword, salt)
User login:
//get user input
username = GetUserName
password = GetPassword
//read salt from database
salt = GetSaltFromDatabase(username)
//combine password and salt and apply hash
hashedPassword = Hash(password + salt)
//compare hash to stored hash value
correctHash = GetHashFromDatabase(username)
if (hashedPassword == correctHash) then
passwordIsCorrect = True
passwordIsCorrect = False
end if
- This assumes that your usernames are unique as they are used as identifying key in your "database".
- The "database" doesn't have to be any kind of "real" database, it can also be your configuration file or a plain text file.