Another solution is to use the undocumented api from win32u.dll, it has the prototype:
HDESK in_hDesk,
HWND in_hWndNext,
BOOL in_EnumChildren,
BOOL in_RemoveImmersive,
DWORD in_ThreadID,
UINT in_Max,
HWND *out_List,
UINT *out_Cnt
Pass it in a HWND list with Max entries, set all other parameters to zero, the output Cnt gives the number of returned entries. If the resultcode is STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL then reallocate the list with more entries and try again.
Compared to pre-Win10 versions a parameter RemoveImmersive is added. If TRUE then the same list is returned as EnumWindows (without immersive windows). If FALSE then the full list is returned.
The first entry of the list is 0x00000001 as a handle and must be ignored.
The advantage of this api is that the is no posibility of changing of the window list during calls to FindWIndowEx (a lock is set during building of the list)
The EnumWindows, EnumDesktopWindows, EnumChildWindows, FindWindow, FindWindowEx all use this api.
Hereby a request to Microsoft to add a public api EnumWindowsEx or EnumAllWindows so developers have a safe method to enumerate all windows. I understand they added the filter to EnumWindows to fix custom tasklists out there which display visible but cloaked immersive/metro/uwp windows. But a method should be supported for developers to get the full list.
UPDATE: Example on how to use this api, InitWin32uDLL does a runtime load of win32u.dll, and lib_NtUserBuildHwndListW10 is the GetProcAddress pointer
/* enumerate all top level windows including metro apps */
BOOL Gui_RealEnumWindows(WNDENUMPROC in_Proc, LPARAM in_Param)
/* locals */
INT lv_Cnt;
HWND lv_hWnd;
BOOL lv_Result;
HWND lv_hFirstWnd;
HWND lv_hDeskWnd;
HWND *lv_List;
// only needed in Win8 or later
if (gv_SysInfo.Basic.OsVersionNr < OSVER_WIN8)
return EnumWindows(in_Proc, in_Param);
// no error yet
lv_Result = TRUE;
// first try api to get full window list including immersive/metro apps
lv_List = _Gui_BuildWindowList(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &lv_Cnt);
// success?
if (lv_List)
// loop through list
while (lv_Cnt-- > 0 && lv_Result)
// get handle
lv_hWnd = lv_List[lv_Cnt];
// filter out the invalid entry (0x00000001) then call the callback
if (IsWindow(lv_hWnd))
lv_Result = in_Proc(lv_hWnd, in_Param);
// free the list
// get desktop window, this is equivalent to specifying NULL as hwndParent
lv_hDeskWnd = GetDesktopWindow();
// fallback to using FindWindowEx, get first top-level window
lv_hFirstWnd = FindWindowEx(lv_hDeskWnd, 0, 0, 0);
// init the enumeration
lv_Cnt = 0;
lv_hWnd = lv_hFirstWnd;
// loop through windows found
// - since 2012 the EnumWindows API in windows has a problem (on purpose by MS)
// that it does not return all windows (no metro apps, no start menu etc)
// - luckally the FindWindowEx() still is clean and working
while (lv_hWnd && lv_Result)
// call the callback
lv_Result = in_Proc(lv_hWnd, in_Param);
// get next window
lv_hWnd = FindWindowEx(lv_hDeskWnd, lv_hWnd, 0, 0);
// protect against changes in window hierachy during enumeration
if (lv_hWnd == lv_hFirstWnd || lv_Cnt++ > 10000)
// return the result
return lv_Result;
HWND *_Gui_BuildWindowList
HDESK in_hDesk,
HWND in_hWnd,
BOOL in_EnumChildren,
BOOL in_RemoveImmersive,
UINT in_ThreadID,
INT *out_Cnt
/* locals */
UINT lv_Max;
UINT lv_Cnt;
UINT lv_NtStatus;
HWND *lv_List;
// is api not supported?
if (!InitWin32uDLL())
return NULL;
// initial size of list
lv_Max = 512;
// retry to get list
for (;;)
// allocate list
if ((lv_List = (HWND*)MemAlloc(lv_Max*sizeof(HWND))) == NULL)
// call the api
lv_NtStatus = lib_NtUserBuildHwndListW10(
in_hDesk, in_hWnd,
in_EnumChildren, in_RemoveImmersive, in_ThreadID,
lv_Max, lv_List, &lv_Cnt);
// success?
if (lv_NtStatus == NOERROR)
// free allocated list
// clear
lv_List = NULL;
// other error then buffersize? or no increase in size?
if (lv_NtStatus != STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL || lv_Cnt <= lv_Max)
// update max plus some extra to take changes in number of windows into account
lv_Max = lv_Cnt + 16;
// return the count
*out_Cnt = lv_Cnt;
// return the list, or NULL when failed
return lv_List;