How can I compare the md5 sums for 2 files in one command?
I can compute them each individually:
my_prompt$ md5sum file_1.sql
20f750ff1aa835965ec93bf36fd8cf22 file_1.sql
my_prompt$ md5sum file_2.sql
733d53913c366ee87b6ce677971be17e file_2.sql
But wonder how this can be combined into a single comparison computation. I have tried different approaches that fails:
my_prompt$ md5sum file_1.sql == md5sum file_2.sql
my_prompt$ `md5sum file_1.sql` == `md5sum file_2.sql`
my_prompt$ (md5sum file_1.sql) == (md5sum file_2.sql)
my_prompt$ `md5sum file_1.sql` -eq `md5sum file_2.sql`
What am I missing here ? Tried following Compare md5 sums in bash script and without luck.