I was looking for a printing of nested collections in Java which brought me here. However the answers only work for Maps therefore I thought I'd add my solution for nested Collections. It produces a JSON like output, if you want newlines add "]\n" rather than ']'.
Note that this will not produce pretty output if the Object[] contains nested elements. You would need to write a separate method to deal with nested arrays. Also it will not pretty print primitive arrays, for that you'd need an else statement for every primitive array type.
private static <A extends Collection<B>, B> String nestedToString(A collection) {
if (collection == null)
return "null";
String ret = "";
Iterator<B> colIterator = collection.iterator();
if (colIterator.hasNext()) {
ret += '[';
while (colIterator.hasNext()) {
B object = colIterator.next();
if (object == null) {
ret += "null";
} else if (object instanceof Collection) {
ret += nestedToString((Collection) object);
} else if (object instanceof Object[]) {
ret += Arrays.deepToString((Object[]) object);
} else {
ret += object;
if (colIterator.hasNext()) {
ret += ", ";
ret += ']';
return ret;