I am receiving webhooks from a woocommerce site into a nodejs/express application. I am trying to verify the webhook's signature to prove authenticity, yet the hash I compute never corresponds to the signature that woocommerce reports in the hook's signature header.
Here is the code I am using to verify the authenticity:
function verifySignature(signature, payload, key){
var computedSignature = crypto.createHmac("sha256", key).update(payload).digest('base64');
debug('computed signature: %s', computedSignature);
return computedSignature === signature;
This function is being called with the following parameters:
var signature = req.headers['x-wc-webhook-signature'];
verifySignature(signature, JSON.stringify(req.body), config.wooCommence.accounts.api[config.env].webhookSecret)
The webhook's signature headers reports the signature as BewIV/zZMbmuJkHaUwaQxjX8yR6jRktPZQN9j2+67Oo=
. The result of the above operation, however, is S34YqftH1R8F4uH4Ya2BSM1rn0H9NiqEA2Nr7W1CWZs=
I have manually configured the secret on the webhook, and as you see in the code above, this same secret is also hardcoded in the express application. So either I am taking the wrong payload to compute the signature, or there is something else fishy that prevents me from verifying these signature.
Would appreciate any pointers to help me solve this issue.