Mighty late to the party, but in case this can help anyone else out there:
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin
from sklearn.compose import TransformedTargetRegressor
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from scipy.special import polygamma, logit, expit
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
class BetaRegressor(BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin):
A Sklearn-compliant regressor class implementing the beta regression for
continuous responses over the (0, 1) support.
`fit_intercept: bool = True`
Optional flag indicating whether an intercept parameter should be
included. Defaults to `True`.
`maxiter: int = 100`
The maximum number of iterations the Newton method is allowed to
perform. Defaults to `100`.
`eps: float = 0.0001`
The maximum error the numerical method must reach to achieve
convergence. Defaults to `0.0001`.
`use_smart_seed: bool = True`
Optional flag controlling whether a transformed regression should be
use to provide better seed values for the algorithm. Defaults to
If the maximum number of iterations is non-positive.
If the error tolerance parameter is non-positive.
def __init__(
self, fit_intercept: bool = True, maxiter: int = 100,
eps: float = 0.0000001, use_smart_seed: bool = True
) -> None:
assert maxiter > 0, 'Maximum number of iterations must be positive'
assert eps > 0.0, 'Error tolerance parameter must be positive'
self.eps = eps
self.maxiter = maxiter
self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept
self.intercept_ = None
self.coef_ = None
self.shape = None
self.niter = None
self.status = 0
self.use_smart_seed = use_smart_seed
def __str__(self) -> str:
return str({
'intercept': None if self.intercept_ is None else np.round(self.intercept_, 4), # noqa: E501
'coef': None if self.coef_ is None else self.coef_.round(4),
'shape': None if self.shape is None else np.round(self.shape, 4),
'niter': self.niter, 'status': self.status
def fit(self, X: pd.DataFrame, y: pd.Series, verbose: bool = False):
Fits the predictive model by maximizing the likelihood function of the
beta distribution for the expit mean function given a data sample.
`X: pd.DataFrame`
A feature matrix.
`y: pd.Series`
A response array.
`verbose: bool = False`
An optional flag controlling the verbosity of outputs. Defaults to
If one or more response values are out of bounds.
If the feature matrix (including the added dummy column to account
for the intercept parameter) is perfectly colinear.
assert y.min() > 0.0 and y.max() < 1.0, 'Response is out of bounds'
X_ = np.c_[np.ones_like(y), X] if self.fit_intercept else X
assert np.linalg.det(X_.T @ X_) != 0.0, 'Feature matrix displays perfect collinearity' # noqa: E501
size, d = X_.shape
check = False
niter = 0
logy = np.log(y)
logy_ = np.log(1.0 - y)
p = np.zeros(shape=d + 1)
g = np.zeros(shape=d + 1)
h = np.zeros(shape=(d + 1, d + 1))
if self.use_smart_seed:
# Transformed linear regression seeds
reg_ = TransformedTargetRegressor(
func=logit, inverse_func=expit
X=X, y=y
if self.fit_intercept:
p[0] = reg_.regressor_.intercept_
p[int(self.fit_intercept):-1] = reg_.regressor_.coef_
mean = expit(X_ @ p[:-1])
p[-1] = np.sum(mean * (1.0 - mean)) / np.sum((y - mean) ** 2) - 1.0
# Method of moments seeds
mean = y.mean()
if self.fit_intercept:
p[0] = logit(mean)
p[-1] = mean * (1.0 - mean) / y.var() - 1.0
while not (check or niter > self.maxiter):
niter += 1
coef, shape = p[:-1], p[-1]
mean = expit(X_ @ coef)
# dl/db
g[:-1] = X_.T @ (
-1.0 * polygamma(n=0, x=mean * shape) +
1.0 * polygamma(n=0, x=(1.0 - mean) * shape) +
logy - logy_
) * (
shape * mean * (1.0 - mean)
) / size
# dl/dp
g[-1] = (
size * polygamma(n=0, x=shape) +
mean.T @ (-polygamma(n=0, x=mean * shape) + logy) +
(1.0 - mean).T @ (-polygamma(n=0, x=(1.0 - mean) * shape) + logy_) # noqa: E501
) / size
# d2l/db2
sigma = (
polygamma(n=1, x=mean * shape) +
polygamma(n=1, x=(1.0 - mean) * shape)
) * (
-1.0 * (shape * mean * (1.0 - mean)) ** 2.0
) + (
-polygamma(n=0, x=mean * shape) +
polygamma(n=0, x=(1.0 - mean) * shape) +
logy - logy_
) * (
shape * (1.0 - 2.0 * mean) * mean * (1.0 - mean)
) / size
# h[:-1, :-1] = X_.T @ np.diag(sigma) @ X_
h[:-1, :-1] = np.multiply(sigma[:, None], X_).T @ X_
# d2l/dbdp
h[-1, :-1] = X_.T @ (
-shape * mean * polygamma(n=1, x=mean * shape) +
shape * (1.0 - mean) * polygamma(n=1, x=(1.0 - mean) * shape) + # noqa: E501
-polygamma(n=0, x=mean * shape) +
polygamma(n=0, x=(1.0 - mean) * shape) +
logy - logy_
) * (
mean * (1.0 - mean)
) / size
h[:-1, -1] = h[-1, :-1]
# d2l/dp2
h[-1, -1] = (
size * polygamma(n=1, x=shape) +
-mean.T @ (polygamma(n=1, x=mean * shape) * mean) +
-(1.0 - mean).T @ (polygamma(n=1, x=(1.0 - mean) * shape) * (1.0 - mean)) # noqa: E501
) / size
if np.linalg.det(h) == 0.0:
delta = -np.linalg.inv(a=h) @ g
loss = np.linalg.norm(x=delta)
check = loss <= self.eps
if verbose:
print(niter, p.round(decimals=4), np.round(loss, decimals=4))
p += delta
self.intercept_ = p[0] if self.fit_intercept else 0.0
self.coef_ = p[int(self.fit_intercept):-1]
self.shape = p[-1]
self.niter = niter
self.status = int(check)
return self
def predict(self, X: pd.DataFrame) -> np.ndarray:
Evaluates the expected values of the probabilistic model given the
feature matrix.
`X: pd.DataFrame`
The feature matrix.
An array of predictions.
If the number of features do not match that provided at fitting.
If the regressor hasn't been successfully calibration prior to predicting.
assert X.shape[1] == len(self.coef_), 'Dimension of feature matrix do not match those of coefficient array' # noqa: E501
assert self.status == 1, 'Regressor must be successfully fitted before use' # noqa: E501
return expit(self.intercept_ + X @ self.coef_)
if __name__ == '__main__':
size, d = 100_000, 5
intercept = np.random.normal(scale=0.1)
coef = np.random.normal(size=d, scale=0.1)
shape = 10.0
X = np.random.normal(size=(size, d))
loc = expit(intercept + X @ coef)
y = np.random.beta(a=loc * shape, b=(1.0 - loc) * shape)
reg = BetaRegressor(use_smart_seed=False).fit(X=X, y=y)
'intercept': np.round(intercept, 4), 'coef': coef.round(4),
'shape': np.round(shape, 4)
Adding some clarifications:
- The code is a Sklearn API compliant implementation of a regressor class for the beta regression.
- For individual data samples, we assume $y_i \mid \boldsymbol{x}_i \sim \mathcal{B}!\left(\mu_i, \phi\right)$, where responses are independant conditional on $\boldsymbol{X}$, the feature matrix.
- The $\left(\mu, \phi\right) = \left(\tfrac{\alpha}{\alpha + \beta}, \alpha + \beta\right)$ parametrization is used in the same spirit as other more classical forms of regression do (e.g., GLMs).
- This essentially means that the mean parameter is expressed as a transformation of $\boldsymbol{x}^\mathsf{T}\boldsymbol{\beta}$, the linear combination of all predictive features ($\boldsymbol{x}$) and regression coefficients ($\boldsymbol{\beta}$).
- The so-called inverse link function, or mean function, is here defined as $\mu!\left(\boldsymbol{x}\right) = {\left{1 + \exp!\left(-\boldsymbol{x}^\mathsf{T}\boldsymbol{\beta}\right)\right}}^{-1}$ -- the expit function -- basically as a way to enforce the support the beta distribution is defined over ($\Omega_y = \left(0, 1\right)$).
- The numerical solver implemented is Newton's method.
- The regression coefficients estimates are obtained by maximising the log-likelihood function by way of this numerical solver.
- Expressions for both gradient and hessian matrix are included within the code, and details of their mathematical derivations are not included here.
- The seed values provided to the numerical solver rely on either of 2 strategies: "smart seeds" or the method of moments.
- The method of moments assumes all coefficients are 0 except for the intercept parameter which, if included (via the
argument), if evaluated so the theoretical mean matches the sample mean of the response.
- Likewise the dispersion parameter, $\phi$, is set so that theoretical and sample variances are a match.
- The smart seed strategy, on the other hand, uses a transformed regressor to fit a linear regression on the logit of the response.
- Finally, a short illustrative example is provided under the
if __name__ == '__main__':