I'm following the telescope tutorial.
- I created a /client/collections/myfile.js
- I'm on localhost, but I'm launching Meteor with remote DB hosted on MongoHQ instead of using Meteor's local DB.
In this tutorial I'm told to insert a new post by opening the Mongo console.
$ meteor mongo
How can I:
$ meteor mongo (somehow connect to my remote DB to use the meteor commands in terminal
So that I can:
$ db.collectionname.insert({ stuff });
Or does this have nothing to do with "Meteor" in this case and I just use a Mongo shell outside of Meteor? The collection that I created in "/client/collections/collection.js" is this simply for telling Meteor which collection to push as a subset to the client?
I'd like to use the same DB ( remotely hosted with MongoHQ) for my localhost development, and my actual live dev.mysite.com so when I deploy to this dev site, anything I've done in the DB is also there and ready to go.