EDIT: woops, I may have misunderstod the question... Rickster's answer is more adapted to your needs.
Glowy 3D is my domain!
There are a few ways you can make an object glow in SceneKit.
The most straightforward way is to set it up in GLSL using SCNTechnique
. You will need multiple passes, to render the illumination then blur it on succesively X and Y (faster than both at once). There is a great article about it on GPU Gems. However this one is quite heavy if you overuse it, and I'm not quite sure if you can target the illumination only in SCNTechnique
The second way is using CI filters. Simply add a Gaussian Blur and composite it on top. You may need additional effects to select/boost the glowing elements. If you're looking for a glow around the object this question might help you as well.
Third way is to fake the glow using billboards. Make a stencil in photoshop or your 3D software, put it on a plane that always faces the camera. Change its blending mode to Screen and you have a very inexpensive glow!
Finally, for your light shining effect, you might want to look into godrays. They're pretty easy to set up using GLSL as well, so SCNTechnique
should do the trick. Here is an article about it.