Use this command in your file:
-printmapping path/to/your/file/file_name.txt
the file will be written in part {root}/path/to/your/file
with file_name.txt
If you want to have different setting for different flavors you can define many proguard-rules for them
I found one more idea but I am not sure that it is right way.
You can define your path in flavors:
productFlavors {
test1 {
applicationId ""
project.ext."${name}Path" = 'path/one/mapp.txt'
test2 {
project.ext."${name}Path" = 'path/two/mapp.txt'
And as next you can define new task before $asseble{}
task as is shown below:
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
def envFlavor = variant.productFlavors.get(0).name
def modifyProguardPath = tasks.create(name: "modifyProguardFor${}", type: Exec) {
def pathToMap = project."${envFlavor}Test1"
doFirst {
println "==== Edit start: $pathToMap ===="
doLast {
println "==== Edit end: $pathToMap ===="
executable "${rootDir}/utils/test.bash"
args pathToMap
and in script ${root}/utils/test.bash
- you can modify
But I think that exist better solution.