I'm making a Scala app that sets by reflection field values. This works OK.
However, in order to set field values I need a created instance. If I have a class with an empty constructor, I can do this easily with classOf[Person].getConstructors....
However, when I try doing this with a Case class with a non empty constructor It doesn't work. I have all of the field names and its values, as well as the Object type I need to create. Can I instance the Case Class somehow with what I've got?
The only thing I don't have is the parameter names from the Case Class constructor or a way to create this without parameter and then setting the values via reflection.
Let's go to the example.
I have the following
case class Person(name : String, age : Int)
class Dog(name : String) {
def this() = {
name = "Tony"
class Reflector[O](obj : O) {
def setValue[F](propName : String, value : F) = ...
def getValue(propName : String) = ...
//This works
val dog = classOf[Dog].newInstance()
new Reflector(dog).setValue("name", "Doggy")
//This doesn't
val person = classOf[Person].newInstance //Doesn't work
val ctor = classOf[Person].getConstructors()(0)
val ctor.newInstance(parameters) //I have the property names and values, but I don't know
// which of them is for each parameter, nor I name the name of the constructor parameters