It depends on where you log the messages from Serilog. You can log to numerous "sinks" so most GUI tools will depend on what sink you are using. The list of provided sinks for Serilog is here:
Some options include:
Log Parser
If you are using some file-based sinks, then you can use the Microsoft Log Parser available here:
From the site:
Log Parser 2.2 is a powerful, versatile tool that provides universal
query access to text-based data such as log files, XML files and CSV
files, as well as key data sources on the Windows operating system
such as the Event Log, the Registry, the file system, and Active
Log Parser Lizard GUI
If you want a shiny UI to search the log files using log parser, check out Log Parser Lizard GUI here:
From the site:
Log Parser Lizard is a GUI for Microsoft Logparser, definitely the
best one available on the market today. Log Parser is a very powerful
and versatile query software tool that provides universal query access
(using SQL) to text-based data, such as log files, XML files, and
TSV/CSV text files, as well as key data sources on the Microsoft
Windows operating system, such as the Windows Event Log, IIS log, the
registry, the File System, the Active Directory services and much
This does NOT meet your "non-browser based UI" requirement, however Seq does a great job of providing a web-based interface to search and analyze logs with built-in support for Serilog. It is available here:
From the site:
Seq is the easiest way for .NET developers to capture, search and
integrate structured log events. Compared with traditional plain-text
logs, structured logs cut through the complexity of distributed and
asynchronous applications.
by Stackify ? – Erick