I am using nuxt with vuetify and I defined all my validations rules (for text inputs) in a single file like this:
// @/plugins/form_validations.js
export default Object.freeze({
v => !!v || 'Firstname is required',
v => (v && v.length >= 3) || 'Firstname must be at least 3 characters'
// ...
I use them in my components like this:
import FormValidations from '@/plugins/form_validations.js'
export default {
data() {
firstnameRules: FormValidations.VALIDATIONS.FIRSTNAME
I want now to translate the text of this rules depending of the locale.
I have installed i18n following this example and can use it well in my components, for example like this:
required />
However, I'm not able to use the translation plugin directly in my file where I grouped all the rules. I have seen that with nuxt you can access the context in plugins as follow:
export default ({ app, store }) => {
But I'm not able to define my constants using Object.freeze in that format.
I tried also this:
import i18n from '@/plugins/i18n.js'
export default Object.freeze({
v => !!v || i18n.t('firstname_required'),
But I got an error that function t is not defined. How can I access the translation plugin in my rules?
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 't')
– Selfabnegation